The SeaHawk Yacht

Page updated: 28 June 2020

An Ideal Trailer Sailer and First Yacht

This site celebrates the SeaHawk. It's a 17ft GRP drop-keel yacht, supplied in two and four-berth variants. It is used by many owners as a Trailer Sailer and is often advertised as an ideal first boat.

If you simply want to find out a little about the SeaHawk it's best to start at the Builders page and then work through the rest of the items under "The Boat" on the main menu.

To get an overview of how the site is organised scroll down below the image of the day, where there is also guidance on how to use the Main Menu.

Wanted! New Webmaster

I sold my SeaHawk, Just 17 (Previously Imagination) in 2018. Time passes and I'm now nearer 80 years of age than 70. It's time to consider how to hand on this site to the next generation or, as a minimum, make arrangements for someone to manage a handover should I no longer appear active or unable to do that myself.

Please Join the Discussion on how to find a successor.

Greg Chapman

Go to Top Image of the Day

Visit tomorrow to see another image of a SeaHawk!

A SeaHawk Yacht

Mike Lowson's Little Auk (#260) at her home mooring in Ullapool, in north-west Scotland

Go to Top About the Site

The site is aimed at a number of audiences, hence the structure of the main menu:

The Boat: for first time visitors who will want to know about:
  • The construction and main design features of the boat
  • Its sail plan and rigging
  • Cabin options
  • Inboard and Outboard engine options
  • The history of the design
  • How it was promoted by its builders
  • A Gallery showing examples of the design with a commentary
  • Reviews featured in the press and from both owners and others
Owners: who are expected to want to:
  • Find how others have tackled repair and maintenance issues
  • Be inspired by other owners customisations
  • Learn about good cruising waters and the local slipways
  • Swap trailer and trailing tips
  • Meet with other owners
Buyers: who are expected to want to:
  • Know where to look to buy a SeaHawk
  • Know what to look for when inspecting a boat
  • Find out the age of a particular SeaHawk
Sellers: who are expected to want to:
  • Know where to advertise for the quickest sale
  • Get an idea of value
  • Advertise on the site

And of course, the site aims to encourage discussion about this great little boat, hence we have a Forum where anyone can register and post questions, tips, photos, logs of cruises and more.

When first opened, apart from HOME and CONTACT options, the main menu shows the headings indicated above. Most of the options have a [+] button on them indicating that there are further options relevant to that heading. Click/Tap on those buttons to reveal the additional options.

Once a sub-section is opened, it can be closed up again by using the [-] button that then appears against that heading. With over 130 pages on the main site there are up to four levels under each of the main headings and multiple options at each level, so don't be afraid the use the Site Search facility found by the menu button at the top of every page.

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Some of the information on the site is speculative, based on memory, observation and guess work, although increasingly it relies on information supplied by other owners, so please do provide corrections or confirmation of anything found on the site via the site's Forum (the preferred approach). However, you can if necessary.

The site is maintained by Greg Chapman who became a SeaHawk owner (#267) on Easter Day 2004. It was a sad day when Just 17 was sold some 14 years later. He continues to struggle to maintain his Greg Afloat site, his general boating blog.

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