The European Gallery

Page published: 9 September 2004

Go to TopDevon (#263) on Lake Como

This sequence of pictures taken in 2004 was provided by Ingrid Schatz. They show her boat, Devon, on Lake Como. Of the trip she said:

We had a nice time in Italy, not least because of our Seahawk (occasionally she was 5600 feet high in the mountains and maybe the highest seahawk ever -:)) Partly there was not much wind, sometimes too much, but that's sailing, isn't it? Funny enough there are a lot of sail boats in the Seahawk class over there.

About to Lauch Devon, SeaHawk #263 'Before the mast', SeaHawk #263 Big Hills, Small Boat Running across Lake Como At Anchor on Lake Como Coming Back to Shore Moored on Lake Como No Wind on Lake Como Drifting on Lake Como Devon's Sails Three aboard Devon on Lake Como Approaching Speedboat on Lake Como

The originals of these pictures are available at Ingrid's site.

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